Our physical bodies, a magnificent gift from God

A physical body is given to each of us by our loving Heavenly Father. He created it as a tabernacle for our spirit to assist each of us in our quest to fulfill the full measure of our creation. Our bodies allow each of us to experience the great plan of salvation that He has designed for all His children. He wants us eventually to become more like Him and return to live with Him.

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Coping with the death of a loved one

Mortal life ends eventually for all of us. Each of us will sometime be faced with the death of a loved one, a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or a close friend. A sudden, unexpected death may be the hardest to cope with. There is nothing I can say in this article that would lessen the pain and suffering, but I might be able to help with a vision of the future which can give hope and comfort.

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