Beware of pride
When we consider the word pride, we might see positive aspects such as pride in our families, schools, nation, military, teams, company and workers. But, at the same time, we…
When we consider the word pride, we might see positive aspects such as pride in our families, schools, nation, military, teams, company and workers. But, at the same time, we…
The Lord inspired a monumental step in preparing the world for the Restoration of His saving gospel when a German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg, adapted printing technologies first introduced in China…
Paul's military metaphor helps us see how to protect ourselves spiritually.
At times we may even feel insignificant, invisible, alone, or forgotten. But always remember, you matter to our heavenly father!
This parable could have many applications in our lives especially as it relates to our thinking and attitudes pertaining to receiving rewards in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Our bodies allow each of us to experience the great plan of salvation that He has designed for all His children. He wants us eventually to become more like Him and return to live with Him.
All of us know people who are filled with hatred and anger, are unforgiving, lose their temper often and hurt others to get what they want. As a result, conflict is common in some families, communities, churches, schools and the work place. Nations fight against nations for power and greed. In this environment how can we achieve real peace in our lives?
There is nothing more important to the sons and daughters of God than the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ. It is the most significant single event of all time.
No birth into mortality has ever been accompanied with such heavenly announcements and miracles as the birth of Jesus Christ the savior of the world!
I have always been inspired by the poem “The Touch of the Master’s Hand”. It carries a great message which is worth repeating.