Resurrection on Easter Sunday, a gift from God
We celebrate on Easter Sunday the resurrection of Jesus Christ and its eventual blessing to all of us.
We celebrate on Easter Sunday the resurrection of Jesus Christ and its eventual blessing to all of us.
The important thing to remember is the Sabbath is a Holy Day. A day for the sons and daughters of God to turn to the Lord through church attendance, prayer, scripture study and serving others. It is a time for building close family relations and strengthening our personal spiritually.
Death is one of those universal laws that all mankind is subject to, yet it remains a mystery to almost everyone, and considered part of the “Great Unknown”. Death is…
Before being born, did we live in some other form? If so, what form? Did we know others? Did we know God? Why I am on the earth, and what is my purpose? In the scriptures, we can find answers to some of these important questions.
We lived as spirit sons and daughters of God in heaven before we came to earth. A veil of forgetfulness is drawn over our memory of our pre-existence in order…
The right to choose between good and evil and to act for ourselves is called agency.