Bring the Savior’s healing to others
The Savior said, "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." (John 13: 15 in the Bible). Peter the apostle said,…
The Savior said, "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." (John 13: 15 in the Bible). Peter the apostle said,…
Jesus said, “I am among you as he that serveth” (Luke 22:27 in the Bible). As true followers of Jesus, we also must serve others. Importance of Service Service is…
When Jesus was on the earth, a lawyer asked Him a question: “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord…
Can you imagine the favorable living conditions if all of us were completely honest? In today’s society the principle of honesty is so often abused. There are many honest people…
The habit of profanity, now in epidemic proportions, is spreading across the land, and even our children are effected. I have known people that cannot say a sentence without using…
There is nothing more important to the sons and daughters of God than the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ. It is the most significant single event of all…
No birth into mortality has ever been accompanied with such Heavenly announcements and miracles as the birth of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world! Bright stars, angels, heavenly choirs,…
“Ghost” is an Old English word meaning “Spirit” therefore, the Holy Ghost is also referred to as the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, Comforter and…
The importance of baptism People have said to me, “I do not believe baptism is essential to salvation.” There are many opinions on this subject of baptism, but the important…
Over the years I have been asked many questions about faith. Questions such as how can I develop greater faith? I have faith, so why did the Lord not answer…