Few people who believe in God have not asked themselves, what will Heaven be like? Are there divisions of glory in the Heavens? Knowing some answers could help us live better…
Few people who believe in God have not asked themselves, what will Heaven be like? Are there divisions of glory in the Heavens? Knowing some answers could help us live better…
We lived as spirit sons and daughters of God in heaven before we came to earth. A veil of forgetfulness is drawn over our memory of our pre-existence with God in…
During our lives on earth we will face difficulties and challenges. Some are extreme and almost unbearable and require divine help and help from others to get through them. Below I…
Each of us will experience the tender mercies of the Lord from time to time if we just try to keep His commandments and let humility, love and kindness guide…
Can you imagine the favorable living conditions if all of us were completely honest! In today’s society the principle of honesty is so often abused. There are many honest people…
Many of us have struggled with an addiction or know one or more family members, friends or associates who struggle with some form of addiction. We may have witnessed the…
The right to choose between good and evil and to act for ourselves is called agency. Even though we are free to choose our course of action, we are not…
Breaking God’s commandments comes in many forms including lying, cheating, stealing, deception, whoredoms, idolatries, murders, envying, gossip, laziness, selfishness, hurting others (physically and emotionally), swearing (filthy language) and uncontrolled anger…
We should resolve to take time each day to say personal and family prayers, read the Holy Scriptures, worship the Lord each Sunday, be kind and helpful to loved ones,…
This quote from Jesus Christ has caused me to self-examine my motives, attitude, ambitions. priorities, decisions and actions. The Savior said, “ Verily I say unto you, Except ye be…