How to use time while living on earth
This article is about the importance of time while we are living on the earth.
This article is about the importance of time while we are living on the earth.
Mortal life ends eventually for all of us. Each of us will sometime be faced with the death of a loved one, a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or a close friend. A sudden, unexpected death may be the hardest to cope with. There is nothing I can say in this article that would lessen the pain and suffering, but I might be able to help with a vision of the future which can give hope and comfort.
When you hear or see “Judgment Day” or “Judgments of God” does it bring excitement or fear to your mind? This article is a summary of the Judgments of God that lead His children to the Kingdom of Heaven and its many mansions, glories and blessings that are part of His Great Plan of Salvation.
When the Savior Jesus Christ returns, there will be major changes to the earth, animals and mankind. All changes will be blessings and almost beyond human power to comprehend, so different from our experience.
There are exciting times ahead. As I mentioned in a previous article, to live during the 1,000 years after the Savior returns is almost beyond human power of comprehension. They…
There is nothing more important to the sons and daughters of God than the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ. It is the most significant single event of all…
It should fill our hearts and souls with great joy to think we are the children of the supreme creator of the universe including this beautiful planet we call earth. To add to our joy is the fact that He loves all of us as a father loves his children, except His love is perfect.
Why should we keep God’s commandments? Is it because we fear punishment? Is it because we love God and Jesus Christ and want to serve Them?
The habit of profanity, now in epidemic proportions, is spreading across the land, even our children are effected. I have known people that cannot say a sentence without using profane…
Can you imagine the favorable living conditions if all of us were completely honest? In today’s society, the principle of honesty is so often abused. There are many honest people…