Tender mercies of the Lord
Each of us will experience the tender mercies of the Lord from time to time if we just try to keep His commandments and let humility, love and kindness guide…
Each of us will experience the tender mercies of the Lord from time to time if we just try to keep His commandments and let humility, love and kindness guide…
This quote from Jesus Christ has caused me to self-examine my motives, attitude, ambitions. priorities, decisions and actions. T The Savior said, " Verily I say unto you, Except ye…
What is there about children and their childlike faith that the Lord wants us as adults to emulate?
Communication with our Heavenly Father, the controller of the universe, is a sacred privilege. This marvelous opportunity is available and encouraged for all his sons and daughters on the earth.
Proper prospective of the purpose of our lives is critical to be able to make the right daily decisions to gain the spiritual growth that we were sent down to the earth to achieve.
Before the coronavirus, when we were able to shop in stores you may have seen signs that read "the gift the never stops giving," but will these gifts truly last forever?
The Suffering for Our Sins on Friday The Savior said at the end of the sermon on the mount, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in…
The term resurrection comes from two words, "RE" meaning to repeat or do again and "SURGERE" (Latin) meaning to rise as with a strong impulse or surge. A re-surrection is…
God loves us one by one. How eloquently the Savior taught that lesson in the masterful parable of the lost sheep.
Recently I read a blog that discussed what we can do while we are in our homes for long periods of time that would bring us closer to Our Heavenly Father, Beloved Savior and bring us peace.